Daily Archives: December 9, 2023

Final Exam Blog Post- Nolan Knipfing

Getting to be in Folktales and Fairytales for freshman year seminar this fall, helped teach me why fairytales are so important and why they matter to our society. They play a huge role in exploring common themes and portraying messages … Continue reading

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Gianna Oliveri – Final Exam Blog Post

If one were to ask me before I took this course if fairy tales matter and play a big role in our lives, I would say probably not. After taking this class and learning how fairy tales impact us, as … Continue reading

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Ryan Steinberg Final Exam Blog Post

Throughout the semester from the readings and discussions we have done I have learned a lot about fairy tales. In the grand scheme of things fairy tales actually matter a lot. Fairy tales are stories that are passed down and … Continue reading

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Final Exam – Annastasia Jones

Throughout my own personal experience and this course, it is apparent that fairy tales are important, not only at a young age when we first hear them, but throughout our lives. When we are kids fairy tales teach us important … Continue reading

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Fairy Tales Final Blog Project – Angelina Veverka

Throughout the fall semester in our SJNY100H class, I have learned a multitude of valuable information and lessons regarding our studies of fairy tales, and these findings can be carried with me through the many stages of life that I … Continue reading

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Final Exam Blog Project – Peyton Strack

Throughout my experience in fairytales and folktales, I have learned more than I thought I would. What I thought would be a course reliving some childhood memories turned out to be a journey through the looking glass. I learned the … Continue reading

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